A strategic, seamless solution to securely send documents

Start with the actual usual fax hardware. Whether it’s a single machine or room full of servers, all these devices must be maintained. That means new purchases, pulling capital away from other expenditures. Then there’s the cost of staff to make sure that fax system is up and running.

Try Concord’s paperless, cloud-based fax solution. Concord can integrate into existing workflows and provide an implementation with minimal disruption to daily operations.

Ready for further improvements? Concord’s experience in providing analytics and artificial intelligence functionality means that your new cloud fax system also can extract and properly route information that you send and receive. Also, you’ll be able to track what has arrived and been sent, and how it was analyzed, and the data was routed.

A fax solution that supports cross-team collaboration and employee efficiency

Whatever your business, you need a fax solution and technology partner that meets today’s document management needs and has the flexibility to grow with needs over time. Concord’s 20+ years of reliability and innovation has resulted in great customer retention thanks to a platform of fully digital, turnkey fax solutions that create ease, efficiency, and quality improvement through:

Programmatic workflow and process automation,
Artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities for intuitive data extraction,
Document handling and routing to support streamlined workflows,
API for EHR integration capabilities


More than anything, it’s essential for businesses to know that their inbound and outbound fax system is working in real-time. Concord makes that happen through its system of multiple data centers and intelligent call routing, which have transformed the dead-end “fax retry” process. Concord’s solutions also offer multiple ways to send and receive, including email, print-to-fax and the ability to interface with systems already in place. Users can access the fax queue via Concord’s online portal to monitor progress.

That reliability is then supplemented by fax routing and prioritization. AI-driven data extraction streamlines workflows so that information gets to the right person at the right time.

Learn how Concord’s fax solutions support businesses of all sizes